7 Minutes in Heaven -  Get your mind out the gutter-literally! 

If that name sounds familiar, you might know that old party game that teenagers used to play, but there is no shame in THIS game! We are getting in the closet with Jesus! The prayer closet that is! Or anywhere you can have a few minutes to yourself. 

Because of all the changes to our daily lives, you may find yourself a bit overwhelmed. This activity was designed to give you a few tranquil moments as you mediate on who God is and reposition Him on the throne of your heart.  If you can get alone, that would be awesome, but I believe that, in faith, God will respond no matter the situation. 

  • Take in a slow, deep breath through your nostrils and whisper, “God, you are enough.” 

  • As you slowly exhale through your mouth, acknowledge within that He is indeed enough.

  • Take in another slow, deep breath through your nostrils and whisper, “God, you are in control.” 

  • As you slowly exhale through your mouth, acknowledge within that He is indeed in control.

  • Take in another slow, deep breath through your nostrils and whisper, “God, your grace is sufficient for me.” 

  • As you exhale slowly through your mouth, acknowledge within that you are in His grace and with your palms faced upward, prophetically extend your hands forward to give The Lord whatever you have been carrying. 

You can repeat this process or insert a truth that God has shown you. You are free to engage God through this meditation however you feel led. Sometimes, you may have to spend a little more time acknowledging the truth or repeating a phrase and that is A-Okay! 

If this has helped you in some way, we would love to hear your testimony! info@ourlifestreams.org